hybrid-drive magnetic gear

Magnetic Transmission Gears

Magnetic Conveyor System,Magnetic Transmission System,Contactless Shaft and Magnetic Gear,Magnetic Transmission Gear

Magnetic transmission gears are non-contact power transmission mechanisms making use of the attraction and repulsion properties of the magnets.

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Comparison of mechanical gears and magnetic gears

The Pros and Cons: Non-Contact Magnetic Drive Gears vs Mechanical Gears Parallel Axes Magnetic Gear
Pros of mechanical gear VS Pros of magnetic gear
1. High very high torque/mass (specific torque) 1. Non-contact
2. High very high efficiency 1.1No lubrication
3. Mature technology 1.2Low maintenance
2. Easily integrated in electric machines
3. Potentially low vibration
Cons of mechanical gear VS Cons of magnetic gear
1. Contact-related wear failure 1. Unknown limits on specific torque efficiency
1.1.Requires lubrication system(s) 2. Magnet temperature limit
1.2Routine costly maintenance 3. Individual magnet interaction weaker than 1 gear tooth pair
2. Strong tonal vibration cabin noise